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20th Anniversary

NAFEA celebrates 20 years as an incorporated association


The 2024 face-to-face NAFEA Conference has been postponed to 2025. An alternative online event will be organised for NAFEA members.

The 2025 NAFEA Conference will be held from the 29 October to 31 October. Further details will be provided on our website soon.

Up-and-Coming Events

Previous Events

NAFEA Webinar:

Placement Costs for Education Providers in Education and Health Disciplines

Date: 22 March 2024

NAFEA hosted a webinar on its funded projected investigating placement costs for education providers in education and health Disciplines. Learn more about the project and view the webinar here

2024 NAFEA Annual General Meeting

  • Date: 22 March 2024
  • Time: 8am (AWST), 10am (AEST), 10:30am (ACDT), 11am (AEDT)
  • Agenda: 2024 NAFEA AGM – Agenda
  • Minutes: TBC

A recording of AGM is available here

NAFEA Discipline Chapter Meetings (Previously State Chapter Meetings)

The online Discipline Chapter meetings provides an opportunity for NAFEA members to network with other colleagues across the country within their discipline areas. Join us to discuss your latest strategies and challenges related to WIL. Details on how to join are below:

Date: 3 August 2023
Time: 11:00am (AEST)
Venue: Zoom

Project Grant Program Webinar

Got a project idea but no funding? Find out how to apply for funding through the Project Grant Program at the webinar. NAFEA representatives will be available to answer any questions you might have about the program. Details on how to join are below.

Date: 3 August 2023
Time: 10:30am (AEST)
Venue: Zoom

2023 AGM

Members are invited to attend the NAFEA Annual General Meeting.

Members can view the AGM recording here.

State Chapter Forum

This forum will provide an opportunity for NAFEA members to network with other colleagues within their State and disciplines. Members will explore current opportunities and challenges related to work-integrated learning.

  • Date: 30 March 2023
  • Time: 9:30am (AWST), 11:30am (AEST), 12pm (ACDT), 12:30pm (AEDT)
  • Registration: Register here

2022 NAFEA Webinar Series: WIL Risk Management and Student Safety

Held on:

2022 AGM

Held on:

Elections were held for the positions of:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary (must reside within 65KM of QLD)
  • Treasurer
  • Web Administrator
  • Research and Project Manager
  • Professional Development & Scholarship Manager
  • Social Media Administrator
  • Sponsorship and Marketing Manager
  • Conference Convenor
  • QLD, NSW/ACT, SA/NT, WA State Chapter Chairs

For information on the roles within the Association, see: Roles and Responsibilities

Members can view the AGM here.

The unconfirmed minutes from the AGM are available here.

Webinar: Getting Started with WIL in Practice: Publishing and Reviewing

Interested in publishing or reviewing for the open access journal, WIL in Practice. Get some tips and tricks on how to publish or become a reviewer.

For those who missed out, view a recording of the session here

The webinar was held on:

NAFEA Project Grant Information Session

 A short webinar will be held to provide information on the Project Grant Program.  The webinar will outline the eligibility criteria and process of applying. The webinar will also include an opportunity for members to ask questions about the program.

Anyone interested in undertaking a small to medium project over a 12 month period should attend.

  • Thursday July 1
  • 11:00am – 11:30am (AEST); 10:30am – 11:00am (ACST); 9:00am-9:30am (AWST)
  • via Zoom

Further information about the NAFEA Project Grant Program is available at:

WIL in Regional, Rural and Remote Areas: Challenges and Opportunities Online Workshop

Explore the barriers and enablers to regional, rural and remote student placement and employment. Gain insights into how the tertiary sector can best prepare and support students to participate in placement and seek employment in rural areas.

Geoff Argus, Director of Southern Queensland Rural Health and Board Director of Australian Rural Health Education Network will share his deep knowledge of both the challenges and opportunities offered in regional, rural and remote placement and employment.

Date: Thursday 10 June 2021
Time: 11:00am – 12:15pm Brisbane time
Venue: Online via Zoom

View recording of the event here.

An ACENQ/NAFEA collaboration.

COVID-19 Project Webinar
WIL you be safe at work? Enabling safety and wellbeing in WIL: a Work Health and Safety Training Program for Students

Presented by: Lara Pugh, Belinda Margetts, University of Wollongong
Date/Time:28 April 2021,9:30am (AWST), 11:00am (ACST), 11:30am (AEST)

Work Health and Safety (WHS) is not merely about physical health and safety. WHS needs to encompass psychological and psychosocial health and safety if WHS workplace practices are to address matters such as diversity, equity and inclusion. WIL stakeholders are grappling with these complexities with a particularly vulnerable cohort of workers – students on work placements – due to their inexperience in the workforce. Now, COVID-19 has complicated matters further as many work placements have to be conducted remotely. The goal of this project is to design an engaging educational program outline that addresses working remotely and workplace bullying, harassment and assault.

Previous Conferences

Please find a list of our past conferences below. We have included the conference notes and pictures from the nights.

2021 NAFEA Conference

2020 Webinar Series (COVID Special)

2019 NAFEA Conference

2018 NAFEA Conference

2017 NAFEA Conference

2016 NAFEA Conference

2015 NAFEA Conference

2014 NAFEA Conference

© NAFEA - 2016